UPDATE: Sheila is once again back in Rescue after being adopted over a month ago. One of the dogs in the adoptive home did not get along with Sheila and after trying to make it work, the adopter had no choice but to return her back to Rescue.
Sweet Sheila is the little engine that could as she confidently makes her way in a dark world. We do not know her past, only that she was found blind and wandering the streets.
She is very good at figuring out the house and knowing her way around.
She’s super calm and quiet, very quiet, she doesn’t bark or whine at all.
She loves food and treats, that is her favorite and she is happy with other dogs big or small as long as they don’t get between her and her treats.
Food is very important to her and she can sniff it out anywhere.
She doesn’t play with toys, but does explore around.
She sleeps a lot and is very content to be in any soft bed, next to you on the couch or in the big bed if you let her.
With the house-training she does good if taken out regularly.
She is a true tiny lap dog and would be best in a quiet home where she is not left alone for extended
periods of time on a regular basis.
She doesn’t like a crate much but does not have any problems at all being left alone,
and will be on her best potty behavior if she can be taken outside a few times a day at least.
Probably due to a rough life before rescue she does have some joint disease in one front leg and will from time to time can be a bit sore on that leg.
But she is super low energy and
doesn’t run.
Shelia needs a little extra care but deserves a forever home, she will make a great little quiet companion and lick your hands and face with gratitude for giving her a chance!
Sheila is my hero. She's absolutely fearless as she makes her way in her darkened world. The first night she was exploring the back yard to make sure there weren't lizards or bunnies invading her territory. She hasn't been exposed to cats but she likes the deer that feed outside the fence, even going up to them and poking her nose through the fence so she can get acquainted. She maneuvers quite well around the house and yard, responding to "Watch" when she looks like she is going to hit something and then she changes direction.
She makes her wishes known by coming to me and nuzzling to let me know it's time to go outside. But my favorite is when she does her happy dance at mealtimes. She does a little growl and then she turns round and round on her hind legs, tail going ninety miles an hour (that's unofficial but I have it on good authority). She's easy going about bedtime, she likes the big bed but is perfectly content in her own bed as well. She is happy with other dogs but if they try to get between her and her treats, she lets them know that isn't acceptable, food is very important to Sheila!
I had never thought about dealing with a blind dog and was little apprehensive, but she has taught me that it's really no different from a sighted dog, they all need to be loved and appreciated. If you give Sheila a chance for her forever home, you won't be disappointed. I think she will amaze you the way she has me.