7544 FM 1960 Road East #71
Humble, TX 77346
© 2025 CTDR
Rainbow Bridge
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In Mid Summer 2012, the call went out that a handsome, 12 yr old senior Male needed a place to hang out for a while. Since I love the Seniors, I invited Lucky into my Pack. Of course, not knowing how he traveled, I placed him in a travel crate for the long trip home. About 5 minutes into the trip, he made it very clear that "Lucky Doesn't do Crates!" So we stopped, let him out, he curled up in the seat and went to sleep.
Arriving home, I introduced him to my pack, and when all seemed well, I went back to the car to unload things. Imagine my surprise when I returned to the apartment to find Lucky, on top of a 3.5 foot bookcase, with no idea how he got up there! He had an impish grin and his tail was going a mile a minute and he was so proud of himself. I immediately asked him, how he got up there, and he replied! Yes, Lucky could "talk" and would carry on a complete conversation with you! He had quite the vocabulary and although I didn't always understand exactly what he was saying, he was happy to just "say it!" I know for a fact at times he was talking Smack back to me too! But you could never be mad at the boy, he was just so cute and so proud of himself all the time and always had his grin on his face.
This was my 12 year old puppy that forgot to grow up! Lucky loved to run and play and to explore and to bring me presents from his adventures. He caught and brought me a possum once, and frogs and lizards and of course the required "dead stuff". He liked to bring me rocks too! He would lay them so gently at my feet and then look up at me and grin, and tell me all about his adventure to find my present. I never really understood that, but was always grateful for his gifts.
Lucky was also a practical joker too! On more then one occasion I ended unexpectedly on the floor, when I would stand from my computer chair to reach for something and then sit down, only to find that Lucky, who was "asleep" under my chair, had pushed it away. He thought this was great fun, and would jump on me while I lay on the floor and cover me with kisses while he giggled and told me all about his craziness! At times I would find my computer chair, way across the room and for a while thought I had a ghost. Until the morning I caught Mr Lucky, using my rolling chair like a skateboard and rolling it across the floor! My couch has large pillows for the back portion, and Lucky enjoyed throwing the pillows on the floor. I pick them up, he knock them back down, I pick them up again and he knocked them down again! He never laid on the pillows or wanted to stretch out in the space created when the pillows were missing, he just wanted to throw them down, so I could pick them back up!
He had his Doxie traits too! Stubborn! Oh boy was he stubborn! We would all go to bed, and Lucky would decide he was going to sleep on my head and face. I would push him off, and he would climb back on. I push him off and he would climb back on. He was a big boy too...22 pounds! We would do this at least a couple times a week for at least 10-15 minutes. When we went outside to go for a walk, all the dogs would go one way, and Lucky would go the opposite way. If I tried to get him moving in the direction of the pack, he just sat down and wouldn't move. If I got the pack going in his direction, he would change directions and go a different way. Lucky was his own man and did his own thing!
About a week after coming to my house, Lucky suffered a stroke and gave us all a scare. But he recovered pretty quickly and things returned to normal, well, Lucky's normal. A few months ago he started vomiting every morning between 3-5am like clockwork. We all thought it was acid reflux and treated it and it was better. Then he started drinking a lot and going potty a lot and we were concerned he was developing Cushing's Disease, and the vomiting return intermittently. So on Wednesday we were off to see the Great Doctors at Cypress Creek Pet Center.
Then did some blood work and notice his liver tests were really off, and decided to do an ultrasound to look at his liver. The results were shocking and totally unexpected. Lucky had a large tumor surrounding his pancreas, it was smashing his liver, and had gone through the wall of the duodenum to cause a blockage of his intestines. The pancreas is a very delicate organ and the slightest pressure can cause Pancreatitis which is very painful. The prognosis for Lucky was horrible. We were looking at a very short time with Lucky. The plan was to bring Lucky home and to spoil him for whatever quality time he had left and to help him cross to the Rainbow Bridge when it was time. He came home to his pack on Thursday afternoon. That morning was the last time Lucky was able to eat and he became increasingly painful. In his own way, Lucky let me know it was time to allow him to go to the Rainbow Bridge.
Saturday morning, January 19, 2013 at 10:48am, while lying in my arms, Lucky made the crossing to the Rainbow Bridge. He crossed knowing without a doubt that he was loved beyond measure. Every night I tell all my pups, one by one, and call them by name and tell them that I love them. And Lucky, being able to "talk" would tell me he loved me too. "Goodnight Lucky! Momma Loves You!" I am sure he is replying "Wub wu, Wub wu".
I was fortunate to have been Clancy's mom for his last short nine months. He came to us untrusting, scared, and having had nothing good from humans his whole life. He had no fur from demodectic mange, and had to undergo harsh chemical baths for months, and took daily multiple medications to help his ulcers and hypothyroidism. He was an incredibly resilient little spirit.
Clancy slowly began to trust, and even loved his new family after a few months. He blossomed from biting aggression to in-your-face kisses and a permanent tail-wag.
Clancy got to enjoy a big, soft pillow and blankies galore, burrowing in his burrow bag sent by his Aunt Teresa. He got love and cuddles and kisses every single day. He was spoiled and pampered, like he deserved to be. He could go for hours in his cuddle pouch, leaning with his front leg out like he was out for a cruise in a car.
Unfortunately, he suffered chronic renal disease as a sequela of heavy heartworm load. He suffered an acute failure on top of his chronic condition and we had to let go of this darling boy so soon. But I had the honor of giving him love and warmth for his few short months, and for that, I'm ever grateful.
Clancy now romps unhindered by disease and pain with all our precious little friends over the Rainbow Bridge.
We will love you forever, Clancy, and never forget you.
--Shelly Brown
Steffi - Independent, funny and tough. She loved to sit in the sun holding her face toward its warmth. But most of all she LOVED her morning banana. There was no peace in the house until she was served her banana. Steffi courageously managed her loss of sight and lived her life on her own terms. She was not by nature a lap dog but graciously accepted the hugs and kisses her family could not withhold from such a special dachshund. Toward the end of her life, she chased many a rabbit through her dreams. Hopefully there are some rabbits at the bridge. "Go get 'em Stef. Love you."
Sweet Pea
Sweat Pea lived her name. She was one of the sweetest dogs ever born. She was such a trooper as well. Although insulin dependent and blind from her diabetes, she loved and lived her life at full throttle. Unfortunately, Sweet Pea's heart could no longer bear the load and when faced with a diagnosis of a poor quality of life going forward, Sweet Pea was set free to run healthy and whole over the Rainbow Bridge. She was well loved and will be missed by all who knew her.
CTDR lost one of its beloved senior fosters today. Mandy was loved and cared for right through to the end from complications of ill health and having lived a long life. She will be missed but hopefully is young and whole again and with her friends over the Rainbow Bridge.
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