7544 FM 1960 Road East #71
Humble, TX 77346
© 2025 CTDR
Rainbow Bridge
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In Memory of our Sweet Little Nicholas
I recently saw a question in a magazine... what is the most important thing you have learned from your pet? The first thing that came to mind is "unconditional love". That is certainly what we got from Nicholas in the 3 short years he was a part of our family. Little Nicholas came to us in really bad shape, but immediately jumped in Paul's lap and laid down as if that is where he belonged. He was a very well behaved little guy, although just a little "grumpy". He had this habit of growling softly as he wondered around the house and yard, especially if he was doing something he didn't really want to do, like going outside in bad weather. He wasn't growling at anything or anybody, we pictured a little old man grumpily talking to himself as he went about his chores.
Nicholas was a very good boy and loved attention. Until the last few weeks it was hard to imagine he was 17 years old with Heartworm. He was very active and loved to run through the yard with the other dogs. I know if he had been well taken care of in his younger years he would have lived much longer and wouldn't have had to suffer so much in the end.
Regular dental cleanings and monthly heartworm prevention would have allowed this little guy to grow old with far less pain and suffering. Our little Nicholas crossed over to Rainbow Bridge on the first day of April. We need to tell everyone we know who has pets to remember to give HW prevention on the FIRST of EVERY month to avoid the dreaded disease.
Sweet puppy Eirinn lost her battle with distemper this weekend and has traveled to the Rainbow Bridge. Please spread the word about how very important it is to give your puppies their full set of puppy shots to prevent distemper and parvo, and to give your dogs their regular vaccines. Also, if you ever have the chance, please foster a pup that has been born into or placed into a shelter where there has been a parvo or distemper outbreak. You will be saving lives. Please don't let little Eirinn's life have been in vain by educating your friends and acquaintences of the vital importance of giving regular distemper and parvo shots.
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