7544 FM 1960 Road East #71
Humble, TX 77346
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Animal Success Stories
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Dear Teresa & Shelly,
This is Keeper reporting in from my new Forever Home. Wow, what a whirl wind these last few days! Foster Mom & Dad brought me over to check out my prospective new family. I was so excited – I ran into the house, sniffed everybody, ran into the living room and totally lost it – right there on the rug. I was so embarrassed! Good news though – Prospective Mom and Prospective Dad took it well (well, there was a moment of excitement but everything came out OK, I mean……well you get the idea). Anyway, I recovered quickly and reallllly cranked up the old Doxie charm and here I am with a solo gig, nice digs, good food, and two new doting pack mates who I don’t have to share with anybody. I have a new bed and blankets and clothes and toys and all is good in my life. New Mom & Dad have me up-to-date on my mange medications and my next two appointments scheduled with Dr. Lee. Thank you to all of you who have shepherded me through this trying time in my life. I think I have it under control again now and will check in with you to let you know how I like something called “RVing” and “Boat Ride” that Mom and Dad talk about.
Barks, Licks, Snuggles and Love,
Keeper T. Dogg
PS from “New Mom & Dad”
We thought his name came from the idea that he was a “Keeper” as in one who would be kept or hung on to. Truth be told it would appear that the name comes from a habit of his – he gathers all shoes, slippers, sandals, etc. and “keeps” them in his bed. He doesn't chew them – just “keeps” them. If we put them back where they belong – in an hour they are all back in bed with him.
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