7544 FM 1960 Road East #71
Humble, TX 77346
© 2025 CTDR
Animal Success Stories
Sabrina was rescued from a puppy mill in Rockport, TX, in May of last year. At the time she was only about two years old and had already had at least one litter of puppies. She is a tiny thing, weighing less than 10 pounds. Conditions at the puppy mill were horrific. The dogs were kept in cages inside an un-air conditioned, filthy trailer. The dogs had been seized by law enforcement officials and the court agreed that the breeder could not have them back. Three dachshund rescue groups transported more than 50 of these dachshunds to the Austin area. Sabrina was one of them. (CTDR named the Rockport rescue dogs after dancers on Dancing with the Stars
When I first saw Sabrina after she had been taken to our vet's office, she appeared to be terrified. She huddled in the back of the cage and would not look at me, and when I opened the cage she scrunched down even more. She flinched when I touched her.
Sabrina went from scared (top) to smiling.
When she arrived she was very dirty and was covered with fleas. She had intestinal worms that would take three rounds of medication to eradicate. When I brought her home, I was concerned that she was so traumatized that she would never come out of her shell.
However, within 24 hours at our house, Sabrina was coming around. She was exhausted and spent hours sleeping on my husband's lap. In the following few weeks she ate well and learned very quickly. Turned out, she had a quirky little personality, was full of affection, andwas very playful. She barked for attention, and pranced around when she got it. With her funny little stick-out ears (her adopters call them her "flying nun" ears), she made me laugh every day. She adored our other foster dog, Winston. She was afraid of strangers, however, which was understandable.
Adoption applications started coming in when her picture was posted on the CTDR website. I knew that we needed to find a home for Sabrina with people who knew dogs, would be patient with her and pamper her, and I hoped would have another dog for her to play with. When I walked into her adopters' home, I knew we had hit the jackpot. Her new home had two other dachshunds, one an older girl and the other a youngster, Shelby, who wanted to start playing with Sabrina immediately. The adopters also had a doggie door and stairs leading up to the sofas in the living room. There were dog toys, treats, beds, and dachshund "stuff" everywhere. Perfect!
Sabrina's adopters have kept in touch with me. She is doing great, plays nonstop with Shelby, and fits in perfectly. While still shy, she is loving life and her family is incredibly happy with her. What a change for this sweet little dog who seemed destined to live out her life churning out puppies in a cage! I am so proud and happy that CTDR and her adopters were able to give Sabrina the life she deserves.
Janet Smith
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